The first letter of my first and my lastname CARSTEN SCHOLZ show my djname!.
With 12years I've started to learn that dj-thing ,1992 i got a mixing console
and started with one turntable and a cdplayer I've grabbed from my dad! ;-)
First i only listened to hiphop funk and soul, but in one special night i went
to an club in cologne to listen to boris dlugusch, first i tought he plays hiphop'
i didn't knew him before' and he was amaizing, the skills,the mixin' ,the records
everything was perfect.
After this night nothing stays the same , i have changed my mind, the thinking
about music my outfit, everything! and i thought i have to change my equipment
1994 i spend all my money to get 2 of the legendery technics turntables, after
this point i only bought vinyls.
1996 I started with the chartstuff like the nightcrawlers and jimmy summerville,
but one year later (1997) i turned to the real house and garagetunes from ralphie
rosario,heller&farleyproject, boris dlugosch, and mousse t.
I had a very big career as bedroom dj ;-).
Now i love to play U.S.Underground like:
I got very much influences from the housemusicfactory radioshow.
From and with MARIO OLMOS I just know him superficial, for one or two partys we've
spun the wheels of steel together @ the ENDART (Resident-club), thats it. he've
still very good skills and spin a lots of incredible records! he told me his favourite
record shop's.. the undergoundsolution,starpoint & rocco's(all HAMBURG)!I
want to thank him for his great inspiration..THANX
I buy my records at many different recordshops from the VOICESstore(düsseldorf).
MUSICCITY (cologne) GROOVEATTACK (cologne)
and finally UNDERGROUNDSOLUTION (hamburg).
The manager of the undergroundsolution is Olli he is one of the best in his job
and he have the records others just talk about! (
year(2001)his shop recived an award for the best german recordshop at the GDA-German
Dance Awards..RESPECT!
And now I'm a dj,I play records in some different clubs of some different citys
like LA ROCCA(Düsseldorf '1996'), WAREHOUSE(cologne '1998'), PULSE(frankfurt
resident '2001&2002') and FLOWER's (HEERLEN NETHERLAND'2002) to name a few.
I always searching for wunderful club's around the globe to play my music, @ the
moment it's very hard for me to find the right club..(crowd),cause the most clubs
in germany are very mainstream so i dont can play underground housemusic as well.
I'm a employee 5 days the week but i want to be an fulltime dj/producer to concentrate
my mind and my time on producing and creating music in the future!
This is the short story about DJ CASH
Thanks a lot for your support , may god bless you all! |